背完这些英语可用于吓人。。。 Unknown 2011/06/07

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126. Sure thing!
------ 当然!

127. Talk truly.
------ 有话直说。

128. Tell me when!
------ 随时奉陪!

129. That is a boy!
------ 太好了,好极了!

130. That makes no difference!
------ 不都一样吗?

131. That rings a bell.
------ 听起来耳熟。

132. The line is engaged.
------ 占线。

133. The walls have ears!
------ 隔墙有耳!

134. There's nobody by that name working here.
------ 这里没有这个人。

135. Thousand times no!
------ 绝对办不到!

136. Watch you mouth.
------ 注意言辞。

137. We better get going!
------ 最好马上就走!

138. We have no way out.
------ 我们没办法。

139. We're all for it!
------ 我们都赞成!

140. What brought you here?
------ 什么风把你吹来了?

141. What if I go for you?
------ 我替你去怎么样?

142. What is the fuss?
------ 吵什么?

143. What's on your mind?
------ 你在想什么?

144. Who wants?
------ 谁稀罕?

145. Why are you so sure?
------ 怎么这样肯定?

146. Why so blue?
------ 怎么垂头丧气?

147. You are the boss!
------ 你是老大!

148. You ask for it!
------ 活该!

149. You asked for it!
------ 你自讨苦吃!

150. You bet!
------ 一定,当然!

151. You don't say so.
------ 未必吧,不至于这样吧。

152. You don't seem to be quite yourself today.
------ 你今天看起来不大对劲。

153. You have my word!
------ 我保证!

154. You never know.
------ 世事难料。

155. You want a bet?
------ 你敢打赌吗?

156. You want a bet?
------ 你想打赌吗?

157. You're pulling my leg!
------ 你开玩笑吧?

158. You're really killing me!
------ 真是笑死我了。

159. Come on, be reasonable.
------ 嗨,你怎么不讲道理?

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