原创 常用交通英语 Unknown 2011/10/31

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encounter vt.碰上,遭遇
with extreme caution 特别小心注意
driving techniques 驾驶技术

crosswalk n.人行道 (=pedestrian walk / pedestrian crossing)
intersection n. 路口,交叉口
regulate vt. 控制,管制
pedestrain n. 行人
moped n.助动车
moped rider n.骑助动车的人
motorist n.骑摩托车的人
police officer n.警官

state route 州内道路
interstate route 州际道路
US route 美国国道

dip n. (道路上的)下沉段
curb n.上街沿,路边石
speed bump n.减速带
debris n.碎片,垃圾

freeway n.高速公路
ramp n.坡道,过渡段
side mirror's blind spot 反光镜的盲区
change lane abruptly 野蛮变道
fire engine n.消防车
siren n.警笛
cattle trap n.

refresh yourself 使自己清醒一下
license plate 车牌
vehicle registration tag 车辆注册标记

fatality n.死亡,死亡事故
massive adj.巨大的
pileup n. (交通事故中)连环相撞
traffic crash  交通事故(尤指严重的碰撞,翻车等)
traffic ticket 交警出具的违反交通规则的罚单
road rage 驾驶人因不耐前车或不满抢道而引起的愤怒驾驶
collisions 撞车
rear-ended 追尾撞车
traffic violations 交通擦碰

lane change n.变道
overtake v. 超车 (n. overtaking)
pull over to the right side of the road phvt. 把(车)开到路边
yield vi. 让道
yield sth. to sb. 将...让给某人 yield the right-of-way to the driver on the left
approach vt&vi.接近
detour n./vi. 绕道

These behaviors can provoke(=cause) AGRESSIVE DRIVING(ROAD RAGE) by other drivers.
pass another vehicle on the right side of the road 从右侧超车
tailgate vi.尾随(尤指跟车太近)
inattention to driving 开车不专心
obstructing traffic vt.妨碍交通
verbal altercations n.口角,争论
impaired driving 醉驾,酒驾
aggressive horn use 乱鸣喇叭
aggressive headlight use 乱闪大光灯
fail to yield to emergency vehicles 不给救护车让道

residential area phn. 住宅区
shopping mall phn. 大型购物中心
topmost adj.最上面的
leftmost adj.最左边的
rearmost adj.最右面的

ASCD(Auto Cruise Control Device) 自动巡航装置
vehicle ahead n.前面的车

dispute n. 争吵(Road Rage is a very serious issue in the U.S. If you are involved in a traffic dispute, do not provoke the other driver. There have been fatalities as a result of simple traffic altercations.)
contribute to. 导致 Adverse weather conditions contribute to collisions and driving violations.
divert ... away from ... 从...分心 divert your attention away from driving defensively
... first priority 最优先的


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