

朋友在http://ipodnano.freehostia.com/ 上面写了一个在线生成身份证号码的东西,经过我的建议,他刚才来信通知我,已经改进成带有解析功能。

请大家访问 http://ipodnano.freehostia.com/ ,拿你们自己的身份证号码试试。我试过了,挺好用的。


直到……我发现了这个:http://www.checkdns.net/quickcheckdomainf.aspx    <-一个很直观地分析DNS解析过程的网页。


CheckDNS.NET is asking root servers about authoritative NS for domain
Got DNS list for 'spyrise.cn' from A.DNS.cn or A.DNS.cn
Found NS record: ns2.freehostia.com[], was resolved to IP address by dns1.freehostia.com
Found NS record: ns1.freehostia.com[], was resolved to IP address by dns1.freehostia.com

Domain has 2 DNS server(s)

CheckDNS.NET is verifying if NS are alive
Error fetching SOA from ns2.freehostia.com []: Connection reset. Probably DNS server is offline.
Error fetching SOA from ns1.freehostia.com []: Connection reset. Probably DNS server is offline.
0 server(s) are alive
No DNS servers alive, tests stopped


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